Coach of the Year Awards-IP - Atom
Coach of the Year Awards -Peewee-Midget
Coach of the Year Awards-Representative
Coach of the Year Awards- Representative
Constable Mike Mason Award (Volunteer of the Year)
Debbie Cooper Memorial Award
Most Improved Referee Award
Referee of the Year award
Gary Woodford Atom House Team Award
Unsung Hero Rec Team Sportsmanship Award
Scholarship Awards
Scholarship Awards
Scholarship Awards
Scholarship Awards
Scholarship Awards
Novice 2A | Samantha Paluch |
Novice 2B | Conrad Pilon |
Novice 3A | Hailey Carroll |
Novice 3B | Colton Trotter |
Novice 3C | Seth Fryer |
Novice 3D | Nathan Madsen |
Novice 4A | Jakob Fikowski |
Novice 4B | Kyle Schleining |
Atom B1 | Kyle McClelland |
Atom B2 | Nicholas Hovde |
Atom C1 | Hamish Browne |
Atom C2 | Jacob Walker |
Atom C3 | Trevor Millie |
Atom C4 | Dillon Broadbent |
Atom C5 | Syl Harty |
PeeWee Tier 1 | Lucas Yesaki |
PeeWee Tier 2 | Connor Mclelland |
PeeWee Tier 3 | Evan Law |
PeeWee C1 | Matteo Segato |
PeeWee C2 | Jordon Bond |
PeeWee C3 | Anthony (AJ) Preston |
PeeWee C4 | Drew Madill |
PeeWee C5 | Quddus Kalyan |
Bantam Tier 1 | Jackson Doucet |
Bantam Tier 2 | Jax Leeson |
Bantam Tier 3 | Eric Le |
Bantam C1 | Nick Hayward |
Bantam C2 | Ryan McGregor |
Bantam C3 | Jared Fedosenko |
Midget Tier 1 | Brendan Turcott |
Midget Tier 2 | Kieran Cardinal |
Midget Tier 3 | Cody Law |
Midget C1 | Tanner Pahl-Johns |
Midget C2 | Danya Beckman |
Midget C3 | Austin Rasmussen |
Female PW | Talia Anderson |
Female Bantam | Allison Turcotte |
Female Midget | Cara Dillon |
Juvenile | Matej Samra |
Midget Zone Female | Sophie Langois |