This is very important to keep in mind when registering your player. Players must live in the draw zone stated below to register in Juan de Fuca Minor Hockey.
Proof of residency is required to confirm the player's residency within the Juan de Fuca Minor Hockey Association Draw Zone.
Proof of residency is required at the time of registration even for returning players and should be a recent utility bill showing the current address of the player. All bills are kept with the registration forms and are treated as confidential information.
Any player who does not legally reside within the JDFMHA draw zone must produce written permission from BC Hockey to play within the JDFMHA. If a player is registered in JDFHMA that is NOT in our draw zone, their team could be disqualified from play-offs, etc.
School District #62 from the Parsons Bridge west to Kangaroo Road, and the Highland Area.
Residents from the Township of View Royal shall be in a shared draw zone between JDFMHA and Victoria Minor Hockey Association. The residents of this shared draw zone have a one-time choice of where to register starting with 2007/08 season, depending on space available.
Residents in the District of Metchosin shall in be a shared draw zone between JDFMHA and Sooke Minor Hockey Association. The residents in this shared draw zone have a one-time choice of where to register starting with the 2005-06 season, depending on space available. All statements pertain to both recreation and carded players.