Awards and Scholarships

There will be a "call for nominations" near the end of the season from coaches and other nominators. 

If you are nominating someone for an award, please state why you are nominating this person.

Winners will receive notification to attend the awards ceremony. 

JDFMHA offers yearly awards for: 


An exceptional member of the JDFMHA community (parent, coach, managers, executive member, etc.) having selflessly dedicated their time, enthusiasm and abilities to help provide a positive environment for children through the sport of hockey

Coach of the Year 

1 x Recreation - Initiation & Atom Divisions
1 x Recreation - Peewee to Midget (including female) Divisions
1 x Representative Division

Most Improved Official

The official who has shown the most improvement within the officiating program.

official of the Year

The official who has demonstrated above and beyond dedication to the officiating program.

Best New Official

Presented annually to a new on ice official in their first year of officiating.  The recipient is coachable, works hard to excel both during games and during referee development sessions and has worked a minimum of ten games in their first season for Juan de Fuca Minor Hockey Officiating Program.  

Evelyn Ooms Spirit Award

A player who shows dedication, good sportsmanship and the love/passion for hockey. A player who supports their team, respects their coaches and teammates on and off the ice.

Unsung Hero Rec Team Player Sportsmanship Award

The Unsung Hero Award recognizes an outstanding player/volunteer/official/parent who has positively influenced the program from behind the scenes with a positive attitude, a willingness to help in whatever capacity necessary, and a commitment to creating a better experience for everyone around them.

Debbie Cooper Memorial Award

This annual award focuses on the essence of what Debbie embodied.  It is about a particular volunteer, player, or team who has displayed a commitment to our community, someone who works tirelessly in whatever role or aspect of the JDFMHA community they aspire to.  This could be a referee or linesman, someone that sits in for the time clock game in/game out, a fundraiser, a coach or manager that goes the extra mile, an arena employee, and a divisional manager that puts in endless hours.  These are but a few examples of the type of person that would be given this award. 

Saunders Family Graduating U18 Player of the Year (1x Female, 1x Male)

This award will be given to a 3rd year U18 player who during his/her playing time with JDFMHA has shown good sportsmanship, attitude and enthusiasm. This recipient has also contributed over the years with JDFMHA in other ways such as reffing, participating in other sports or volunteers within the community.  

Gary Woodford Recreation Team Award


Vancouver Island Amateur Hockey Association

BC Hockey

JDF Scholarship


Scholarships will be awarded to JdF Minor Hockey Association (JdFMHA) registered members who apply and who best combine the qualifications set hereunder. The officers will determine the number and the amount of the scholarships each year. JdFMHA wants to give recognition to their members who develop their academic or vocational career aspirations, with a plan to continue through their career goal, at the same time nourishing their interest in hockey.


  • In their final year of high school or finished senior secondary schooling.
  • Not be a previous winner of a JdFMHA Scholarship or Bursary.
  • Must be a JdFMHA member in good standing.
  • Have a minimum of five years registered as a JdFMHA member.
  • Must be Continuing on with studies/Education.
  • Supportive to team-mates
  • Ability to instruct and motivate
  • Knowledge of the game
  • Promotion of Fair Play principles
  • Positive rapport with players and parents


Complete and submit the following:

a. Letter of support from applicant’s hockey coach(es) and/or referee in chief.

b. Copy of most recent school transcript showing grade status.

c. Proof of registration to post Secondary or continuing studies training/program

d. Review letter briefly describing your experiences through JdMFHA, Good Citizenship and Community support provided.

e. Letter of support from applicant’s association president or one of the Vice Presidents.

Send completed additional information for the application to or via mail at:


Juan de Fuca Minor Hockey Association

1767 Island Highway

Victoria, BC V9B 1J1


Complete the JdFMHA Scholarship Form



Applications need to be received by April 30th 2025 to be considered for an award.  


A selection committee from JdFMHA Executive will review all applications.


JDF Minor Hockey Scholarships will be made available to the successful applicants after proof has been received that they are attending a Post Secondary Institution of their choice. All cheques will be payable to the successful applicant. JdF Minor Hockey Scholarship winners may defer receipt of their awards for a period no longer than one academic year, however, deferment requests must be submitted in writing and include an explanation.

INQUIRIES: Please send any questions regarding JdFMHA Scholarships to: and/or office@jdfminorhockeycom 

PLEASE NOTE: All applications and supporting letters become the property of the JdFMHA.

  • Complete the JdFMHA Scholarship Form 
  • Submit:
  • Academic achievement
  • Sportsmanship
  • Hockey participation and/or quality of contribution
  • School, community participation and service
  • Citizenship 
  • In their final year of high school or finished senior secondary schooling.
  • Not be a previous winner of a JdFMHA Scholarship or Bursary.
  • Must be a JdFMHA member in good standing.
  • Have a minimum of five years registered as a JdFMHA member.
  • Must be Continuing on with studies/Education.
  • Supportive to team-mates
  • Ability to instruct and motivate
  • Knowledge of the game
  • Promotion of Fair Play principles
  • Positive rapport with players and parents


Juan de Fuca Minor Hockey Association Awards

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