Financial Assistance

Families seeking financial assistance for the current season of play must complete the following Funding Declaration form following the completion of the application to the funding source.


SportAssist is a Langford based organization, committed to the goal of keeping sport affordable and accessible to youth in our community, enabling anyone wanting to participate in an organized sport with the means and opportunity to do so.

Funding is provided two ways:

  • Directly to youth sport organizations to help keep participation affordable for all, application  process to individual youth players to offset their registration fees.


Kidsport Canada

Kidsport is a program that will provide financial help with sport registrations.  Please click on link for more information.

Athletics for Kids

A4K is available province-wide for children ages 5 to 18 who are currently enrolled in school. Registration fees are paid for any sport recognized by Sport BC, up to an annual maximum of $600 per child (considerably higher than other sport funding charities). Through A4K, hundreds of BC children have the opportunity to follow their dreams through sport. 

A4K Application Checklist

A4K Eligible Sports

A4K Sport Funding Thresholds

A4K Application

Canadian Tire JumpStart Program

Canadian Tire JumpStart is a community-based charitable program that helps kids in financial need participate in organized sport and recreation such as hockey, soccer and swimming.  Please click on link for more information.

Canadian Tire FirstShift

The CANADIAN TIRE FIRST SHIFT program is designed to ensure a positive experience for new-to-hockey families by offering a program that is ACCESSIBLE, AFFORDABLE, SAFE, and most importantly, FUN!


RAMP Registration

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RAMP Official Assigning

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RAMP Websites

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RAMP Team App

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