Registration Info


Returning Player registration Info


  • Deadline for returning player registration is April 30th
  • Deadline for new player registration is August 15th
  • Registration requests from returning or new players to the association received after August 15th are dependant upon age division capacity and subject to approval.
  • All players must be registered in their age division. 
  • There will be no registration of younger than age groups stated, ie-no one born in 2021
  • Registration is on a first come/first paid basis. 
  • Returning players have the first opportunity to register for the 2025/26 season. Online registration will be posted shortly. You are not considered registered unless all supporting documentation is received, including payment.
  • Accounts in arrears:
    • Any outstanding fees from the previous season are due before registration for the current season is accepted.
    • Any player not showing complete payment by July 31, will not be eligible to play or attend assessment/back to ice sessions until payments are received in full
  • At least one parent/guardian for every player must successfully complete Respect in Sport for Parents (link to info on RIS page)

Proof of Residence

JDFMHA Draw Zone

"School 62 from the Parsons Bridge west to Kangaroo Road, and the Highland Area.  Residents from the Township of View Royal shall be in a shared draw zone between JDFMHA and Victoria Minor Hockey Association.  The residents of this shared draw zone have a one-time choice of where to register starting with 2007/08 season, depending on space available.  Residents in the District of Metchosin shall in be a shared draw zone between JDFMHA and Sooke Minor Hockey Association.  The residents in this shared draw zone have a one-time choice of where to register starting with the 2005-06 season, depending on space available.  All statements pertain to both recreation and carded players."

This is very important to keep in mind when registering your player.  Players have to live in the draw zone stated above to register in JDFMHA, hence the proof of residency is required at the time of registration even for returning players.  This should be a recent utility bill showing the current address of the player.  All bills are kept with the registration forms and are treated as confidential information.  Proof of residency is required to confirm the player's residency within the Juan de Fuca Minor Hockey Association Draw Zone.  Any player who does not legally reside within the JdFMHA draw zone must produce written permission from BC Hockey to play within the JDFMHA.  If a player is registered in JdFHMA that is not in our draw zone, their team could be disqualified from play-offs, etc. 



  • If you took the RIS - Parent version last season, you may register your child.
  • If you have taken the team staff version AND it has not expired (it is only valid for 5 years from date taken), you will need to (or a member of your household) will need to complete RIS - Parent before your can register your child.
  • If expired, you will have to take the Parent or team staff version, in order to register your child. Please attach proof of certification to registration form.
  • The cost of the course is $12.00, and parents/guardians are expected to cover this fee.
  • Frequently Asked Questions for Respect in Sport Parent
  • Respect in Sport for Hockey Canada Parents - Getting Started (
  • Click here for Certificate Validation


2024/25 Registration Fee Schedule


Year of Birth



Rep Fees

U6 (under 6)





U7 (under 7)





U8 (under 8)





U9 (under 9)





 U11 (Under 11)





U13  (Under 13)





U15  (Under 15)





U18  (Under 18)





U21  (Under 21)






Representative/Development Teams

Applicable for JDFMHA representative (rep) teams in the U13, U15 and U18 divisions and Development (dev) players in the U11 division.  Players wishing to try out for rep/dev teams are required to pay a non-refundable tryout fee payable at the time of registration.    If your player makes the team, there will be a representative/development fee required which covers the cost of extra ice and expenses for these carded teams.


 Registration is considered complete when all criteria are met, including payment of the $100 deposit and season registration fees.


***NOTE: The payment method selected at the time of registration CANNOT be changed. For example, if E-Transfer is selected at time of registration then ALL registrations fees (the deposit and balance owing) must be paid by E-Transfer.

Credit card: At the time of registration you will be prompted to Hockey Canada’s secure online payment processor to complete the registration. Payment in full is required at time of check out.
E-Transfer or Cheque: you will complete the registration and then have the following options.

  • Payment in full - due at time of registration 
  • Deposit of $100 - due at time of registration; balance is due July 31st
  • If paying by cheque, payment is due in full and can not be post dated by July 31. Cheques can be dropped off to the JDF Office in the JDF Arena lobby

FUNDING (link to Financial Assistance page)

If you are applying for funding, please select ‘External Payment’ as the method of payment at the time of online registration and notify the JDFMHA Office ( to avoid payment collection.

Families applying for funding will also need to complete the funding declaration form.

Family Plan
  JDFMHA's family plan is full price for the first 2 players and 1/2 price for each additional player.  The lowest fee is halved.  Any rep fees are still assessed. 

Upon commencement of the playing season, registration fees shall not be refunded unless a player is unable to participate due to medical reasons.  Refunds are only issued as detailed below and there is a non-refundable administration fee that covers insurance and carding.  Refund rates are as follows:

  • Any player wishing to withdraw from tryouts or the season must complete the JDFMHA Request to Withdraw form
  • Representative or Development Try Out Fee: is non refundable.
  • Players on Representative or Development Teams: The notice to withdraw needs to be received by August 1st; if that requirement is met, you will be refunded 100% of the season registration fees; the $100 deposit paid is non refundable. Notices to withdraw after August 1st will be eligible to receive 75% of registration fees less the $100 admin fee.
  • There will be no refunds on notices received after October 1st. for players on Representative or Development teams
  • Players on Recreational Teams and First Time Players: The notice to withdraw needs to be received by October 1st; if that requirement is met, you will be refunded 75% of all fees; the $100 deposit is non refundable. There will be no refunds on notices received after October 15th.
  • ANY player registration that is withdrawn before August 1st, will be refunded their full registration less non refundable deposit of $100.
  • Withdrawals for medical reasons and other extenuating circumstances will be reviewed and issued at the discretion of the executive.

Players wishing to withdraw from JDFMHA as per the above requirements must submit the JDFMHA Request to Withdraw Form


There will be no registration of younger than age groups stated, ie - no one born in 2021

JDFMHA is currently accepting names of new players for an interest list for all divisions.  To add your players name to the interest list for the new playing season, please email  indicating:

  1. age of child, (birth date)
  2. child's name & gender
  3. child's position
  4. current address with postal code
  5. phone number
  6. email address
  7. if transferring in from another association please advise


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