Make sure to have a game number for ALL games.
The Home Team manager must get a game number and enter it on the website to have referees ordered for your game. See Requesting Referee page for more info.
AGG | Aggressor | DG | Delay of Game | HP | Holding the Puck | PS | Penalty Shot |
BM | Bench Minor | ELB | Elbowing | HTS | Holding the Stick | RO | Roughing |
BC | Body Checking | FGB | Failure to go to Bench | HKG | Hooking | RAW | Roughing After Whistle |
BDG | Boarding | FOP | Falling of Puck | HS | High Stick | SL | Slashing |
BE | Butt Ending | FIGHT | Fighting | INT | Interference | SPEAR | Spearing |
CHG | Charging | GE | Game Ejection | INST | Instigator | TS | Throwing the Stick |
CFB | Checking From Behind | GM | Game Misconduct | KNEE | Kneeing | TMM | Too Many Men |
CTH | Check to the Head | GRM | Groos Misconduct | MATCH | Match Penalty | TR | Tripping |
CC | Cross-Checking | HS | High Sticking | MISC | Misconduct | USC | Unsportsmanlike Conduct |
Scan of Paper Game Sheet