JdFMHA Policies

JDFMHA Policies Revised - February 2022

Juan de Fuca Minor Hockey Association (“JDFMHA”) - JDFMHA is governed by Hockey Canada, BC Hockey, and the Vancouver Island Amateur Hockey Association (“VIAHA") and will at all times abide by the Rules and Regulations of Minor Hockey set forth by these governing bodies.

Sanctioned Hockey Events - Members of BC Hockey are advised that the Society will not be responsible for actions emanating from participation of non-sanctioned events at any time. Such non-sanctioned activity shall automatically cancel all medical and liability insurance offered as part of the membership. The responsibility for determining whether an event is sanctioned rests solely with the participant.

Table of Contents


3.1 - Immediate Past President (Table Officer)
3.2 - President (Table Officer)
3.3 - Vice President of Operations- 1st Vice (Table Officer)
3.4 - Vice President of Administration- 2nd Vice (Table Officer)
3.5 - Head Manager (Table Officer) 
3.6 - Treasurer (Table Officer)
3.7 - Registrar 
3.8 - Secretary 
3.9 - Gaming Director 
3.10 - Risk Manager


4.1 - Divisional Managers 
4.2 - Tournament Coordinator
4.3 - Website Coordinator 
4.4 - Social Media Director
4.5 - Equipment Manager
4.6 - Referee Allocator


6. Executive Board qualifications

6.2 - Coach Selection Committee
6.3 - Constitution Committee
6.4 - Sponsorship Committee
6.5 - ICE Committee
6.6 - Bursary & Scholarship Fund Committee

    • Chief Referee (RIC)
    • Coach Mentor(s)
    • Power Skating and Dryland Instructors
    • Office Administration (Manager) 
    • Ice Allocator 



1.1 Objectives

  1. Ensure JDFMHA financial activities are carefully planned, controlled, and reported.
  2. Produce financial information in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) that is meaningful and useful in decision-making to the Board of Directors and to the membership.
  3. Ensure the integrity of the accounting system.

    1.2       Guidance

  1. The finances of the Association are ultimately the responsibility of the Board of Directors.
  2. The Association may raise funds and disburse them in whatever manner the Board of Directors shall see fit.
  3. The fiscal year of the Association starts on March 1st of the current year and ends on February 28th of the following year.
  4. Authorized signing officers of the Association shall be any two of the following: President, Vice President Administration, or the Treasurer.
  5. Proper accounts of the funds of the Association shall be maintained and the financial statements of the Association shall be available for review at any time.
  6. The Association may maintain a Benevolent Fund. Said fund will be used to assist players who would otherwise not be able to play minor hockey due to financial constraints. Such monies are to be disbursed at the discretion of the President and Treasurer in the interest of maintaining confidentiality.
  7. The Association may maintain a Bursary Fund. Said fund will be used to assist players leaving JDFMHA to pursue a college or university education. Such monies are to be distributed after review of the Scholarship fund committee.
  8. The Association will ensure that any provincial government gaming funds are managed according to the provincial government’s requirements, including having a separate bank account for gaming funds.
  9. JDFMHA finances shall be administered through an association-approved bank or credit union.
  10. If required, an accounting firm may help set up an accounting system and may audit the accounts prior to the end of the hockey season.
  11. The Equipment Manager shall be responsible through the Treasurer to the Executive Committee, for inventory, control, purchases, and accountability of all equipment.
  12. Tournaments and other special functions are to be accounted for as separate accounts within the approved bank or credit union.
  13. An application must be made to the Gaming Director who will request a gaming license prior to any team initiating a team fundraising event. At the completion of such event, a detailed financial statement must be submitted by the team, to the Gaming Director, within 14 days.
  14. A separate bank account, at the association-approved bank or credit union, must be kept by each team. All monies raised via fundraising events must be deposited into this account. These monies are to be used for the operation of the team. The signing authority for these accounts shall be the Team Treasurer and an approved second voting member of the team.
  15. Prior to completion of team activities for any playing season, all outstanding monies owed by that team must be paid in full.
  16. If requested by the Treasurer, the Signing Authorities for individual teams will present all financial records for that team.
  17. All requirements under the BC Societies Act must be met.
  18. For gaming licensed events, the association has a revenue sharing policy whereby 30% of the net gaming funds are collected by the association to maintain the Scholarship/Bursary Fund. This fund is used to provide scholarships to the graduating U18 players and to assist families in financial hardship with travel, equipment and other costs. All JDFMHA tournaments are required to submit 30% of the COMPLETE proceeds of all NET proceeds of the tournament (meaning after all expenses have been deducted from all revenues) - Not just Gaming Revenue.
  19. Prior to Annual General Meeting, the Treasurer shall submit a detailed financial statement and have the records available for review by any member in good standing.


In addition to various powers, duties, and authorities herein conferred upon them, the Executive Committee shall have the following power and authority: 

  1. To deal with protests and complaints.
  2. To suspend members for willful violation of Association’s Constitution and Bylaws, Policies, and any general misconduct that the Executive Committee determines requires suspension or disciplinary measures.
  3. To deal with appeals from suspended members.
  4. To deal with every application for registration and transfer.


  3.1 Immediate Past President (Table Officer) 

  1. Shall serve as an advisor to the President in order to maintain continuity from playing season to playing season.
  2. Shall be a member of the Officers, Table Officers, and Executive Committee.
  3. May be appointed by the President, to any committee, as required.

  3.2 President (Table Officer) 

  1. The President is the Chair of the Board and is responsible for supervising the directors in the execution of their duties. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Board, the Annual General Meeting, and any special meetings of the Association. The president shall further:
  2. Ensure meetings of the Board are efficiently managed and decision-making is transparent.
  3. Shall represent JDFMHA at all BC Hockey, VIAHA meetings and attend annual general meetings.
  4. Possess the authority to suspend a director subject to ratification of the Board.
  5. Have the power to issue an interim suspension or take such disciplinary action against any JDFMHA member, volunteer, team, or team official in the interest of player safety, or conductrelated matter subject to ratification by the Discipline Committee.
  6. Exercise all duties and powers of the Board when, in the case of emergency, it is impractical for the President to obtain a vote of the Board; any such actions taken by the President in this manner are subject to ratification by the Board.
  7. Appoint directors to the following standing committees:
  1.   Discipline Committee.
  2. Selection Committee
  3. Constitution Committee.
  4. Sponsorship Committee.
  5. ICE Committee.
  6. Bursary & Scholarship Committee.
  7. Social Committee.

h) Shall approve the minutes of all meetings and ensure that a file is maintained by the
i) Shall ensure quorum is present at each JDFMHA executive meeting in agreement with the JDFMHA Constitution.
j) Shall ensure that all Executive Committee members are aware of their duties and are executing them accordingly, ensuring performance, and suggesting corrective measures or remedies if required. 

  3.3 Vice President of Operations- 1st Vice (Table Officer) 

  1. Shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
  2. Shall assume the duties of the President for the remainder of the playing season, should the President resign or not be able to continue for any reason.
  3. Shall serve on any committee of the Association at the discretion of the President.
  4. Shall be the Chairman of the Discipline Committee.
  5. Shall ensure all ice contracts are reviewed and that they provide sufficient ice time with new planned registration requirements and all planned tournaments prior to June 15th of each season. Host an Ice Committee meeting in June to review ice requirements for all JDF-hosted tournaments and hours required in addition to existing ice requirements.
  6. Shall design, allocate, resource, and fully realize the entire assessment process for the Representative and Recreation Divisions.
  7. Shall be responsible for scheduling all exhibition games prior to VIAHA annually producing their scheduled tiering games.
  8. Shall be certified in Hockey Canada Coach 2- Coach Level/Hitting Clinic prior to running for this position.
  9. Shall provide an executive report to each Executive meeting, whether in attendance or not.
  10. Shall report to the President any outstanding issues or concerns.
  11. Fulfil any other obligations in accordance with the description of the position, as established by the board.

  3.4 Vice President of Administration- 2nd Vice (Table Officer) 

  1. Shall perform the duties of the Vice President - Operations in the absence of the Vice President - Operations. 
  2. Shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of both the President and Vice President - Operations. 
  3. Shall perform the duties of the President for the remainder of the playing season, should the Vice President - Operations and the President resign or not be able to continue for any reason.
  4. Shall serve on any committee of the Association at the discretion of the President.
  5. Shall be the Chairman of the Constitution Committee with oversight germane to bylaw, Policy, and job description amendments.  
  6. Shall ensure that the AGM is publicized to the membership four weeks (30 calendar days) prior to the date while also communicating the Order of Business and Executive Board vacancies.
  7. Shall schedule and fully realize the annual (November) team picture day event establishing a schedule and communicating the order of photo sequences to all teams.
  8. Shall serve as a signing authority on all JDFMHA accounts.
  9. Shall review all external correspondence by any of JDFMHA governance organizations, communicate to members as required and take actions, as necessary.
  10. Shall ensure board members provide appropriate executive reports for all meetings and collect reports from those members not in attendance.
  11. Shall provide an executive report to each executive meeting, whether in attendance or not
  12. Shall report to the President any outstanding issues or concerns.
  13. Fulfil any other obligations in accordance with the description of the position, as established by the board.

  3.5 Head Manager (Table Officer) 

  1. Shall update the JDFMHA Manager Manual prior to August 20 of each year and distribute to all Divisional Managers.
  2. Support all Divisional Managers, and take immediate and appropriate action on all issues communicated by any of them.
  3. Shall identify and then serve as a liaison for VIAHA Commissioners when required.
  4. Shall disseminate all correspondence from VIAHA and BCAHA to team Managers in a timely matter.
  5. Maintain JDFMHA tablets and initiate and oversee electronic game sheet training and maintenance.
  6. Communicate to team Managers and Head Coaches on all matters involving operations, prosperity, and/or corrective measures.
  7. Shall Chair an annual (August) meeting with all Divisional Managers to outline their duties, priorities, and actions to be realized in support of the annual assessment process. Shall coordinate the same with the VP of Operations and Head Coach.
  8. Shall chair a meeting of Divisional Managers and Team Managers no later than mid-October to ensure that:
  1. A proper education of manager duties is provided while making sure that all divisions are operating effectively. 
  2. All complaints/concerns are considered, and the necessary action taken
  3. All managers are effectively communicating with their respective teams.
  4. Two meetings are scheduled; one for U7/9 divisions and one for U11-U18 divisions.

i. Shall ensure that all team Managers understand and apply existing VIAHA/BC Hockey protocols.
j. Shall ensure that all team managers complete and forward the BC Hockey-mandated “Sportsmanship Starts in the Stands” no later than November 1 annually. Shall further retain these for the duration of the season.
k. Shall serve on the Discipline Committee.
l. Shall report to the VP of Operations any outstanding issues or concerns.
m. Shall provide an executive report to each executive meeting, whether in attendance or not.
n. Shall fulfil any other obligations in accordance with the description of the position, as established by the board.

  3.6 Treasurer (Table Officer) 

  1. Shall present an accurate monthly Financial Report to the Executive Committee of Accounts
  2. Payable and Accounts Receivable; at least 48 hours prior to each executive meeting; 
  3. Shall oversee maintenance of financial records and record of all financial transactions.
  4. Shall ensure all financial records be accurately detailed, up-to-date, and readily available for audit or as required.
  5. Shall set registration fees, prior to February 28th each year; consulting with the President and one other tabe officer.
  6. Shall present, at the AGM, a detailed financial statement of the current finances of the JDFMHA.
  7. Shall prepare a preliminary annual budget each summer using projected registration figures provided by the Registrar.
  8. Shall coordinate with the Registrar or Office Manager in order to verify compliance on fee payment for all registrants.
  9. Shall provide updated budget following completion of registration.
  10. Shall coordinate ice rental agreements with VP of Operations; specifically, costs compared to those of previous contracts
  11. Within two weeks following the AGM, shall submit appropriate documents to the BC Societies Act.
  12. Shall provide advice on any proposed spending by the Executive Board that is outside of accepted line-item expenditures.
  13. Shall ensure that the Office Administrator consolidates and processes all team
  14. Representative funds due annually in October, expenses for tournaments and special functions will be handled by the JDFMHA office.
  15. Shall be responsible to ensure all bank accounts are annually set up and operational for all teams to assume control of, while also being responsible for closing and reconciling all balances at the conclusion of each season.
  16. Shall provide oversight for the paid Office Administration position.
  17. Shall Chair the Bursary and Scholarship Fund Committee.
  18. Shall report to the VP of Administration any outstanding issues or concerns.
  19. Shall fulfil any other obligations in accordance with the description of the position, as established by the board.

  3.7 Registrar 

  1. Shall ensure all carding is done prior to league play each year.
  2. Shall provide team rosters and make changes throughout the season as requested by Executive members. 
  3. Shall be responsible for verifying proof-of-residency was received from each member at time of registration.
  4. Shall monitor all BC Hockey and VIAHA correspondence and advise Table Officers on any pertinent matters.
  5. Given that communication is paramount for registrants, and all incoming or outgoing members, the Registrar shall acknowledge, but not necessarily action, all members’ e-mail (or otherwise) inquiries, via e-mail, within 48 hours.
  6. Shall prepare to host one face-to-face registration sign-up night (if required) while ensuring prior notification is posted on the website and social media platforms.
  7. Shall ensure all players, coaching staffs, team managers, and safety officials are entered into teams within the HCR;
  8. Shall inform all team managers the requirement for Parent Respect in the Stands (RIS) qualifications and track status; players become ineligible to play after October 31 if at least one parent is not qualified.
  9. Shall report to the VP of Administration any outstanding issues or concerns.
  10. Shall provide an executive report to each executive meeting, whether in attendance or not.
  11. Shall fulfill any other obligations in accordance with the description of the position, as established by the board. 

  3.8 Secretary 

  1. Shall record the minutes of all meetings and have them distributed electronically to the Executive Board seven days prior to the next meeting.
  2. Shall provide updated lists to the Treasurer for society-filing following any changes to the constitution or board members. 
  3. Shall retain digital copies of all minutes, correspondence, and mail.
  4. Shall mail Executive Membership lists to BCAHA and VIAHA each year prior to each AGM.
  5. Shall advise all expected attendees seven days prior to following JDFMHA Executive meeting.
  6. Shall book all boardrooms and or venues through WSPR or any or other appropriate agency on behalf of the Executive.
  7. Shall report to the VP of Administration any outstanding issues or concerns.

  3.9 Gaming Director 

  1. Shall review and coordinate all team fundraising activities to avoid duplication or conflict of activities within the community.
  2. Shall apply for gaming monies on behalf of JDFMHA and ensure all teams are adhering to gaming guidelines.
  3. Shall assist with team applications for various licenses including 50/50 draws, raffles, and anything else requiring a BC Government Gaming License.
  4. Shall co-ordinate between West Shore Parks and Recreation and team mangers the purchase of rink boards, advertisements, etc., while observing Association policy on these matters.
  5. Shall arrange, schedule, and allocate team bottle drive routes each season.
  6. Shall ensure the annual application towards the Community Gaming Grant is submitted.
  7. Shall promote and accept advertising opportunities from community sponsors and partners while reporting those developments to the Executive Board.
  8. Shall report to the Treasurer any outstanding issues or concerns.
  9. Shall provide an executive report to each executive meeting, whether in attendance or not.
  10. Shall fulfil any other obligations in accordance with the description of the position, as established by the board.

  3.10 Risk Manager 

  1. Shall liaison with the Registrar or Office Manager for ensuring compliance towards current Concussion Awareness Training (CATT), Respect in Sport (RIS) certification, and/or recertification and current Criminal Record Checks (CRC). 
  2. Shall track applications, compliance, and results for all Criminal Record Checks (CRC).
  3. Shall maintain, manage, and ensure compliance of e PACT account.
  4. Shall maintain a current database, capturing reported injuries annually with results and action.
  5. Shall review and submit all injury reports within 90 days of each respective incident to BC Hockey.
  6. Shall communicate with families in a timely manner to confirm processing of insurance coverage.
  7. Shall furnish an annual October e-mail memo to the entire membership describing return-to-play protocols with respect to injuries along with subsequent actions and/or outcomes.
  8. Shall attend the annual October managers’ meeting and offer a brief safety presentation with instruction and action that govern injuries (paperwork, reporting) to all team mangers while also holding a Q&A to ensure full understanding.
  9. Shall confirm all website material under the Risk Management tab is up to date.
  10. Shall be the primary contact for all Team Safety Officers’ questions as they arise throughout each season.
  11. Shall maintain qualification for the Canadian Hockey Safety Program (HCSP).
  12. Shall report to the VP Administration any outstanding issues or concerns.
  13. Shall provide an executive report to each executive meeting, whether in attendance or not.
  14. Shall fulfil any other obligations in accordance with the description of the position, as established by the board.



Directors of the Association shall be required to fill one position each year. Through consultation with the Table Officers, the President shall ensure all Directors serve in capacities or roles that offer measurable utility. At the request of the President, Directors shall accept a portfolio to ensure their standing on the Board. 

  4.1 Divisional Managers 

  1. Shall plan to attend all their division Representative and Recreation assessments, usually occurring annually from late-August to late-September.
  2. Shall serve, within their respective divisions, as a means of communication for ice schedules and inquiries during the annual assessment process and throughout the year.
  3. Shall communicate to all families in advance of all hockey events in order to familiarize them with each process.
  4. Shall represent the interests of players and parents within their respective divisions.
  5. Shall disseminate all correspondence from VIAHA and BC Hockey or others to team managers and support team managers in their duties; checking in monthly for the first 3 months and periodically thereafter.
  6. Shall ensure all complaints or inquires by team managers or families have been considered and the necessary action taken.
  7. Shall submit to the Registrar all pertinent information on team officials and players.
  8. Shall ensure that team equipment needs are fulfilled through the Equipment Manager.
  9. Shall report to the Head Manager any outstanding issues or concerns.
  10. Shall provide an executive report to each executive meeting, whether in attendance or not.
  11. Shall fulfil any other obligations in accordance with the description of the position, as established by the board

  4.2 Tournament Coordinator 

  1. Shall attend the annual June Ice Committee meeting and provide dates and hours required for all planned JDF tournaments/jamborees.
  2. Shall enter JDFMHA Representative teams into their first tournament each season ahead of team formation to ensure they do not miss any opportunities.
  3. Will coordinate with the VP of Operations to ensure proper placement in first tournament.
  4. Wil book group hotels for teams first tournament if said tournament is out of town.
  5. Shall identify to the Executive Board all proposed JDF-sponsored tournaments prior to the end of August; they will apply for one tournament/jamboree for divisions unlikely to have teams formed (e.g., U13/11/9/7).
  6. Shall promote all JDF tournaments by posting on the JDF, VIAHA, and BCAHA web sites.
  7. Shall be the principal contact for all initial inquiries until each tournament organizing body is formed and prepared to assume responsibility.
  8. Shall assist team tournament coordinators with direction, instruction, and knowledge.
  9. Shall host meetings facilitating teams hosting each tournament.
  10. Shall maintain all tournament operation guiding documents
  11. Shall work with the Gaming Director to arrange a hotel contract for the season with a discount and/or rewards for the visiting teams.
  12. Shall advise the Ice Allocator of specific dates for JDF tournaments coupled with specific JDF teams participating in those tournament(s). 
  13. Shall report to the VP of Operations any outstanding issues or concerns.
  14. Shall provide an executive report to each executive meeting, whether in attendance or not.
  15. Shall fulfil any other obligations in accordance with the description of the position, as established by the board

  4.3 Website Coordinator 

  1. Shall enter and update all information required on the website in a timely manner, generally within 72 hours;
  2. Shall assist all team managers by familiarizing them with individual team authorization for their team webpage and app-based scheduling software; shall provide training and ensure all content is appropriate.
  3. Shall identify any errors or omissions on the site and discuss with the Executive any major changes required.
  4. Shall consult with the web-support company and/or advise on any software used to assist members for updates, maintenance and repair as required.
  5. Shall enter or remove information as directed by the President, or VP Administration;
  6. Shall report to the VP of Administration any outstanding issues or concerns.
  7. Shall provide an executive report to each executive meeting, whether in attendance or not.
  8. Shall fulfil any other obligations in accordance with the description of the position, as established by the board

   4.4 Social Media Director

  1. Shall update and support public communications as the JDFMHA representative through internet media and websites such as: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snap Chat, and any other social media network that allows users to communicate online.
  2. Shall watch for and remove comments or remarks of an inappropriate nature, which are detrimental to a team, the Association, or an individual. Any form of bullying, harassment, racism, or threats against players, coach staff, parents, or officials from JDFMHA or any other centre or organization shall not be tolerated. Shall monitor photographs, video, or comments promoting negative influences or criminal behavior, including but not limited to: drug use, alcohol abuse, public intoxication, hazing, or anything of a sexual nature and report the details to the President and VP Administration. Users abusing these forums will be warned and incidents thereafter will result in access being denied for those in contravention.
  3. Shall refrain from divulging confidential information of a personal or team-related nature. Shall avoid revealing business or game strategy that could provide another team or individual a competitive advantage. Furthermore, shall not discuss injury information about any player. Shall only divulge information that is considered public.
  4. Shall focus on the positive - instead of trying to promote a crisis or a gaffe, social media policies need to focus on building a thriving, successful social media presence by giving members the tools to make good decisions and represent the organization in the best light. Reflect on the JDFMHA mission statement, “JDFMHA is committed to building confidence and self-esteem in our members while promoting the values of honesty, integrity, dignity, and respect; both on and off the ice. We do this through skill-development and teaching players about teamwork, sportsmanship, character, and friendship. We work to be a positive role model in our community.”
  5. Shall always be guided by the principles of best judgment - pause before posting. Ultimately, the Social Media Director serves as the Association’s voice and is responsible for any published comments. Once they are published, they are public record.
  6. Shall report to the VP of Administration any outstanding issues or concerns.
  7. Shall provide an executive report to each executive meeting, whether in attendance or not
  8. Shall fulfil any other obligations in accordance with the description of the position, as established by the board.

  4.5 Equipment Manager 

  1. Shall be responsible for the maintenance, upkeep, and storage or all JDF jerseys, socks, pinnies, pucks, goalie gear, safety supplies, and other associated material goods.
  2. Shall maintain an inventory and control of all assets.
  3. Shall distribute, track, and collect all equipment on an annual basis to team representatives.
  4. Shall report to the Treasurer any budgetary requirements (immediate and/or forthcoming).
  5. Shall order new stock items based on budget approval from Treasurer and Board approval.
  6. Shall report to the VP of Operations any outstanding issues or concerns.

  4.6 Referee Allocator 

  1. Shall assign referee opportunities to all officials in a fair and equitable manner.
  2. Shall assign referee opportunities relative to skill level and not to exceed those capabilities.
  3. Shall assist team managers with interactive web site characteristics to ensure proper referee game requests.
  4. Shall co-ordinate referee allocation with the Referee in Chief (RIC).
  5. Shall report to Vice President of Operations any outstanding issues or concerns.
  6. Shall provide an executive report to each executive meeting, whether in attendance or not.


All members of the JDF Executive Board must have fulfilled the following requirements annually prior to December 1:

  1. Respect in Sport (RIS)
  2. Criminal Record Check (CRC)
  3. Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT)


The President is a member of all committees, though may not be present at all. All committees must have 3 or more participants to be authorized as a representative body. 

Unless a regular member of the committee or working group, the President shall be ex-officio - non-voting - member of all standing committees, ad hoc committees, select committees, and working groups. For clarity, the President is a member of the Board and any committee or group that they are appointed by the Board and has full voting rights in those meetings. 

  6.1 Discipline Committee  

  • VP Operations (Chair)
  • VP Administration
  • Head Manager

  6.2 Coach Selection Committee 

  • VP Operations (Chair)
  • Coach Mentor(s)
  • Shall include a minimum of one other Executive Member as per President’s discretion.

  6.3 Constitution Committee 

  • VP Administration (Chair)
  • Treasurer
  • Directors at large as required

  6.4 Sponsorship Committee 

  • Gaming Director (Chair)
  • Tournament Coordinator
  • Directors at large as required

  6.5 ICE Committee 

  • VP Operations (Chair)
  • Ice Allocator
  • Head Manager
  • Head Coach
  • Directors at large as required

  6.6 Bursary & Scholarship Fund Committee 

  • Treasurer (Chair)
  • VP Administration
  • Directors at large as required

  6.7 Social Committee /Ad Hoc Committee

  • Directors at large as required  


   7.1     Chief Referee (RIC) 

  1. The Chief Referee shall arrange for all referee training seminars, as required.
  2. Shall recruit, train, and evaluate all officials.
  3. The Chief Referee shall participate in discipline meetings pertaining to an official.
  4. The Chief Referee shall oversee the Referee Allocator for assigning referees for each league game and exhibition game, as required.
  5. Shall provide interpretations or guidance upon request.
  6. Shall serve as the Chair of the Referee Committee.
  7. Shall report to the V.P. of Operations any outstanding issues or concerns.

   7.2  Coach Mentor(s) 

  1. Shall be appointed by the sitting President.
  2. Shall participate in interviews and final selection of head coaches.
  3. Shall provide ongoing assessment and evaluation of all coaches.
  4. Shall assist head coaches by enriching their practice plans and bench-management skills.
  5. Shall be assigned a working schedule and mandate by the President or delegate(s).
  6. Shall perform evaluations on coaches and submit year-end assessments.
  7. Should coordinate and or participate in seminars offered by the Association.
  8. Shall submit monthly invoices to the Treasurer for approval.
  9. Shall be available for assistance with the assessment process as required.
  10. Shall report to the President any outstanding issues or concerns.

    7.3  Power Skating and Dryland Instructors 

  1. Shall discharge duties as directed by the President.
  2. Shall be provided a monthly schedule by the Ice Allocator.
  3. Shall submit monthly invoices to the Treasurer for approval.
  4. Shall report to the President any outstanding issues or concerns.

  7.4  Office Administration (Manager)

  1. Shall ensure that all accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) are current and tracked in the current appropriate tracking program.
  2. Shall arrange all deposits in a timely manner.
  3. Shall draft cheques for AP bi-weekly.
  4. Shall reconcile bank and credit card transactions monthly.
  5. Shall reconcile the master list, HCR, and AR, while ensuring all match.
  6. Shall complete and track gaming licenses under the Director of Gaming.
  7. Must perform various administrative duties as required by the President or Treasurer.
  8. Must possess a level of proficiency in Simply Accounting (or equivalent) and Windows Office (or equivalent).
  9. Must possess a level of proficiency in account reconciliation with respect to adjusting entries and producing financial reports.
  10. Must possess previous experience working for a volunteer board on a participating or reporting basis.
  11. Must possess strong written and general communication skills.
  12. Must be available for position hours.
  13. Shall be responsible for the registration of players, while ensuring all registration requirements are satisfied.
  14. Shall issue pre-registration forms or advise members to download form from website.
  15. Shall maintain current registration database separating those who pay for Representative assessments and those electing to participate in Recreational league play while providing up-to-date registration to the Executive, as required.
  16. Shall maintain a waitlist of the new registrants in all age categories.
  17. Shall close returning registration application July 31 annually.
  18. Shall provide master waitlist to the Table Officers of all registrants, by division, on August 1 annually and by request thereafter.
  19. Shall report to the Treasurer any outstanding issues or concerns. 

 7.5 Ice Allocator 

  1. Shall be a member of the ice committee.
  2. Shall be the main contact with the ice facilitator at WSPR and will collaborate with them to manage the day- to-day dynamics of the ice contracts to maximize required ice usage and minimize ice costs. This mechanism also applies to other facilities, though at a significantly reduced expectation.
  3. Shall provide copies of ice schedule to Website Administrator.
  4. Each September, the Ice Coordinator shall work with the Tournament Coordinator to allocate ice necessary to host tournaments as approved by the JDFMHA Executive. 
  5. In February of each season, ice slots shall be reserved for each Rep team until such teams have been eliminated from playoff contention.
  6. Shall distribute ice in a fair and equitable process to all teams, as directed by the Ice Committee. Shall redistribute vacant ice to teams in a fair and equitable manner.
  7. Shall allocate and post ice a minimum of two weeks in advance
  8. Shall provide a monthly schedule for the Power Skating and Dryland Instructors.
  9. Shall be compensated by way of an honorarium in the amount of $3200 per season for the work done under this profile. 
  10. Shall report to the Ice Committee any outstanding issues or concerns.


All teams shall wear the approved Grizzlies jerseys that are provided. 

U7/U9: Tim Hortons sponsored jerseys. 

The Tim Hortons Timbits Hockey Program is a community-oriented program that provides opportunities for kids aged four to nine to play recreation league hockey. The philosophy of the program is not based on winning or losing, but rather on learning a new sport, making new friends, and just enjoying being a kid. These jerseys are considered practice jerseys and as such names may be added as these players do not play in sanctioned game play. Parents must agree to have their child’s name added.

U11 Recreation: atoMc sponsored jerseys.

Provided the atoMc Hockey jerseys. Hockey is our national passion - it reflects the values of universality, dedication, and team spirit that we hold so near and dear. That's why McDonald's® Canada is proud to continue our support of minor hockey in Canadian communities. 

U11 Representative teams: Provided JDF official Grizzlies home and away jerseys sets.  

U13- U18: Both Recreation and Representative teams are provided JDF official home and away jersey sets. 

Teams wishing to purchase jerseys are suitable for practices but not for game play where players are representing the JDF Grizzlies Program, and such a standardized approach has been established. Last names are not permissible on JDF provided jerseys due to the damage they cause.   


Purpose of this policy:   

This Policy describes the method in which JDFMHA will collect, use, retain, safeguard, disclose, and dispose of the personal information of members, prospective members, and others including players, coaches, referees, managers, and volunteers. This Policy describes the way JDFMHA will, subject to applicable legal requirements, adhere to all relevant legislative privacy requirements. The Policy describes each principle and the method of implementing each. JDFMHA will strive to meet or exceed legislative requirements and will ensure that it remains current with changing technologies and laws. 

Any and all changes will immediately be posted to JDFMHA’s web site.  


JDFMHA will manage all personal information in its possession in accordance with this Policy including that which may be transferred to a third party. Third party organizations who manage information on behalf of JDFMHA shall be contractually obligated to adhere to the standards of JDFMHA. JDFMHA will implement internal policies, which will facilitate adherence to this Privacy Policy including, inter alia:  

  • Security measures at all levels designed to protect personal information in our possession.
  • Implementing procedures designed to respond to complaints and/or inquiries.
  • Training in all facets of information management, including awareness of JDFMHA’s Privacy Policy and policies and procedures developed in accordance with the Policy.

Identifying purpose, Type of information collected and Website: 

JDFMHA shall only collect the information reasonably necessary to conduct hockey programming. Access to the Privacy policies and procedures will be readily available. Similarly, the process by which challenges may be made to JDFMHA compliance and/or adherence to the legislation in question shall be readily available and transparent. a) JDFMHA collects personal information from prospective members, members, coaches, referees, managers and volunteers for the purposes of conducting hockey programming. Specifically:

  • A player’s name, address and date of birth are collected to determine that the player’s geographical, division of play and level of play information are consistent with Hockey Canada and BC Hockey regulations.
  • Historical information concerning past teams played for is collected in order to determine if any of JDFMHA transfer regulations may apply.
  • Information concerning an individual’s skill level and development and feedback on programs is collected to measure the success of our programs in order that we may better plan future programs. • Information as to a player’s parents’ names, address(es), telephone numbers and email addresses may be collected in order to facilitate emergency contact information as well as to ensure compliance with JDFMHA’s residency regulations.
  • Educational information may be collected in order to ensure the entire residency regulations have been adhered to.
  • E-mail addresses may be collected for the purposes of facilitating membership communication related to upcoming events and programs.
  • Information about skill levels, ability, emergency contacts, and health to ensure our activities are conducted in a safe and secure environment.
  • Personal information collected for the purposes of hockey registrations may also be used for hockey specific research purposes including but not necessarily limited to hockey demographic type research.
  • JDFMHA has numerous organizations, which offer hockey programs under their auspices. These include, but are not necessarily limited to, Hockey Canada, BC Hockey and provincial and local, associations, and leagues. Hockey Canada, its Branches and/or JDFMHA may disclose the personal information described above to all of these organizations in order to facilitate hockey programming and ensure compliance with rules and regulations.

a) JDFMHA will endeavor through associations/leagues to advise potential registration candidates of the purpose for the collection of the data requested at the time of registration or by reference to our web site at www.jdfminorhockey.com. We will further endeavor to ensure that all collectors of the personal information are familiar with the potential use of the personal data. 

b) JDFMHA will request individually permission for the use of any personal data collected which is extraneous to that which has been identified above, unless said usage is authorized by-law. 

c) JDFMHA may also use information about an individual who accesses secure areas of www.jdfminorhockey.com. Information members are asked to provide during use of the web site may include member’s name, address, e-mail address, age, sex (and the other types of personal information listed above). All such personal information will be treated within the same parameters as other personal information collected by JDFMHA through other means. It is always the member’s choice to provide information in certain fields although failure to complete certain sections may inhibit the ability to fully access all areas of the web site. The web site also collects non-identifiable information about users such as the users IP address, the sections of the web site visited and the information downloaded. JDFMHA may use this non-identifiable information and disclose it to service providers, for system administration purposes and to improve the web site. 


JDFMHA will use the personal information for the uses specified above in this document. By consenting to provide information to JDFMHA, it is deemed to be a consent of JDFMHA use of the information for the purposes of hockey programming listed in this Privacy Policy and to disclosure of the information to other associated organizations for the same purpose. 

  1. In addition to using personal information for hockey programming purposes, JDFMHA may from timeto time wish to use the member’s name, address, and contact information for the purposes of providing promotional opportunities, including by providing the information to the other association and to other third parties who JDFMHA believes provide services or goods that may be of interest to the member. JDFMHA and any such third parties may contact members with promotions (or to provide further hockey specific communications and information updates). JDFMHA will provide an opportunity for the member to consent to these opportunities during the registration process. If a member consents but later wishes to opt out of this use of information later, they may do so by contacting JDFMHA. 
  2. JDFMHA recognizes that hockey by its nature is a contact sport and injuries are, to a certain extent, inherent in the game. Medical records, medical history, and medical forms of the individual may be of assistance in an emergency situation and therefore they may be requested. While members and prospective members are under no obligation whatsoever to supply this information and may refuse to do so without penalty. JDFMHA will consider receipt of this information as consent for its subsequent use in an emergency medical situation. 
  3. If at any time a member wishes to withdraw consent to the use of their information for any purposes, they may do so by contacting the Board of Directors. JDFMHA will do its best to accommodate requests in a timely fashion. JDFMHA will let members know the impact of their withdrawal.
  4. JDFMHA may collect personal information without consent where reasonable to do so and were permitted by its bylaws.

Limiting Collection:  

All information shall be collected fairly and lawfully within the criteria as set forth in our Privacy Policy. 

  1. JDFMHA shall not indiscriminately collect information. The amount and type of information we collect shall be limited to that which is required to fulfill our identified purposes.
  2. JDFMHA will not use any form of deception in gaining personal information from its members.

Limiting use, Disclosure and Retention:  

Subject to applicable legislation, JDFMHA shall limit use of personal information it collects to purposes that we have disclosed in Sections (Identifying Purposes) and (Consent).

a) JDFMHA shall maintain documents for certain periods of time dependent upon necessity. More specifically:

  • Maintain registration data for a three-year period after an individual has left JDFMHA programs in the event that an individual chooses to return to the programs after leaving.
  • Parental/family information will be normally maintained for a similar three-year period after a member has left JDFMHA programs.
  • Affiliates - JDFMHA has numerous organizations that offer hockey programs under the auspices of JDFMHA. As explained above, JDFMHA may from time-to-time share information with these organizations, associations, and leagues in order to facilitate hockey programming and ensure compliance with rules and regulations.
  • JDFMHA may, from time-to-time, enlist the services of third-party vendors in order to provide hockey programs, technical, and support services. Prior to enlisting the services of these firms, we will contractually commit them to treat member personal information consistent with the Privacy Policy of JDFMHA.
  • JDFMHA may at some point be involved in the sale, merger, transfer, or reorganization of its activities. JDFMHA may disclose personal information to the other party in such a transaction.
  • JDFMHA will ensure that third parties are contractually obligated to treat this information in a manner consistent with this policy.
  • JDFMHA may disclose member personal information to a government authority that has asserted its lawful authority to obtain the information or where JDFMHA has reasonable grounds to believe the information could be useful in the investigation of an unlawful activity, or to comply with subpoena or warrant or an order made by the court, person, or body with jurisdiction to compel the production of the information or otherwise as permitted by applicable law.
  • JDFMHA may, at its discretion, release personal information for the purposes of collecting debts that may be owed to JDFMHA.

 b) Certain documents may be subject to legislated retention periods, and these will be respected at all times by JDFMHA.  


JDFMHA shall strive to ensure to the extent it can that the information entrusted is maintained in an accurate manner. JDFMHA shall try to maintain the interests of the individual and attempt to ensure that decisions are not made for or about an individual based on personal information that is flawed. 

JDFMHA shall only update information in the event of a renewal, registration, and/or an update. 


Security safeguards have been implemented to ensure personal information is protected from theft as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification thereof. The level of safeguards employed shall be related to the level of sensitivity of the personal information collected. The more sensitive the information, the higher the level of security employed. 

Methods of protection and safeguards to be employed shall include but in no way be necessarily limited to locked files, offices, and storage areas, along with security clearances, need-to-know access, as well as technological measures such as passwords and encryption. 


JDFMHA publicly discloses the methods by which it manages personal information. This information is readily available through the policy on the JDFMHA website or upon request by contacting the Board of Directors. The information available includes:  

  1. The name, address, email, and phone number of JDFMHA’s Board of Directors.
  2. A description of the type of personal information held by JDFMHA and general uses thereof. This includes:  
  • registration information, including name, date of birth, address, past teams played on, medical information, and e-mail addresses.
  • information used for scouting, potential sponsorship opportunities, donors, alumni, and information retained for the purposes of JDFMHA’s business contacts.
  • information that may be made available to related organizations, JDFMHA, its member associations, leagues, and/or third-party service providers, in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

Individual Access:  

Subject to applicable legislation, upon request by the individual concerned JDFMHA shall disclose whether or not it actually holds personal information on an individual. JDFMHA shall disclose the source of this information when requested and provide an account of third parties to whom the information may have been disclosed. 

  1. JDFMHA may request sufficient information to confirm member identity before releasing personal information to the member. 
  2. Subject to applicable legislation, JDFMHA shall endeavor to provide this information within 30 days of receipt of the information requested and only charge nominal fees for the purpose of offsetting its expenses incurred in supplying the requested information. This information shall be provided in an understandable format at the time of the request. 
  3. Any inaccurate information that is brought to the attention of JDFMHA shall be corrected as quickly as possible and any pertinent third parties shall be apprised of the corrections at the right time.

Challenging Compliance:  

JDFMHA has in place procedures for the resolution of grievances in the administration of its Privacy Policy. 

  1. Upon receipt of a complaint JDFMHA shall make available the complaint procedures that will be simple and easy to access.
  2. JDFMHA shall investigate all complaints. If the complaint is deemed justified JDFMHA shall take the appropriate steps to ensure that compliance is achieved and will amend its policies to allow for compliance in the future.
  3. All complaints shall be addressed to JDFMHA’s Board of Directors.


      10.1 Policy

a) Policy Statement

JDFMHA is committed to providing a sport and work environment that is both safe and  respectful. JDFMHA supports the rights of all its members to participate and work in an  environment that prohibits discriminatory practices and promotes equal opportunities.
This policy sets out the principles and practices of JDFMHA regarding harassment and abuse.
This policy applies to all employees, directors, volunteers, coaches, athletes, officials, and members of JDFMHA.
JDFMHA will make every reasonable effort to promote awareness of the problem of harassment among all its members and respond efficiently to complaints or disclosures of harassment. 

b) Definition of Harassment

Harassment is offensive behaviour - emotional, physical, and/or sexual - that involves  discrimination against a person because of their race, national or ethnic origin, age, colour,  religion, family status, sexual orientation, sex or gender, disability, marital status, or pardoned  conviction. Harassment occurs when someone attempts to negatively control, influence, or  embarrass another person based on a prohibited ground of discrimination.

c) Examples of Harassment 

 Harassment can take many forms. Some examples of harassment include:

  • Unwelcome remarks, slurs, jokes, taunts, or suggestions about a person’s body, clothing, race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, marital status, family status,  physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, pardoned conviction, or other personal  characteristics:
  • Unwelcome sexual remarks, invitations, or requests.
  • Displays of sexually explicit, sexist, racist, or other offensive or derogatory material.
  • Written or verbal abuse or threats.
  • Practical jokes that embarrass or insult someone.
  • Any form of hazing.
  • Leering (suggestive staring) or other offensive gestures.
  • Unwelcome physical contact, such as patting, touching, pinching, or hitting.
  • Patronizing or condescending behaviour.
  • Humiliating someone.
  • Abuse of authority that undermines someone’s performance or threatens his or her position.
  • Physical or sexual assault.

d) Definition of Abuse

Child abuse is any form of physical, emotional, and/or sexual mistreatment or lack of care  which causes physical injury or emotional damage to a child. A common characteristic of all  forms of abuse against children and youth are an abuse of power or authority and/or breach of trust. 

Abuse is an issue of child protection. Protection refers to provincial, territorial, or Aboriginal  Band-appointed child protective services. A child may be in need of protection from harm if  abuse or neglect is suspected. Information about one’s legal duty to report and circumstances  under which reporting must occur according to child protection legislation is available at www. hockeycanada.ca. 

Some examples include:

  • Physical abuse.
  • Emotional abuse.
  • Sexual abuse.
  • Neglect

e) Role of JDFMHA

JDFMHA is committed to creating and maintaining a sport environment that is free from all   forms of harassment and abuse for its members. JDFMHA will: 

  • Discourage and prevent harassment within JDFMHA.
  • Provide assistance and guidance to individuals who experience harassment.
  • Ensure all members or employees of JDFMHA are aware of the problems of harassment and abuse and advise them of the procedures contained in this policy. 
  • Inform both the complainants and respondents of the procedures contained in this policy.
  • Regularly review the terms of this policy to ensure that it meets JDFMHA’s objectives and legal obligations. 

f) Complaint Procedure

A concerned member contacts the appropriate Divisional Manager or Minor Hockey   President for review and informal advice.
The role of the Divisional Manager/President is to:

  • Confirm that the complainant is aware of and has exhausted all local avenues by with the team, league association, or district.
  • Assist the complainant with contacting the local team, league, or association if required. Direct the complaint to the BC Hockey Harassment Ombudsperson if the complaint is  not resolved informally or at the local level.

A concerned member can contact the Harassment Ombudsperson (BC Hockey) who discusses the issue with the concerned member and provides the following options:

  • If the Harassment Ombudsperson feels that a resolution is likely, an attempt at resolving the complaint will be made or:
  • File a formal complaint for harassment to the Harassment Ombudsperson. There shall be a $50.00 administration fee with the filing of all formal complaints.

h) Upon review of the formal complaint, the Harassment Ombudsperson may determine that it is likely that the behaviour constitutes harassment or abuse. If so, the Harassment Ombudsperson advises the concerned person to process their complaint by an appropriate  authority such as internal local level processes, before a court, or the local Police/RCMP if 

There shall be no tolerance of reprisals taken against any party to a complaint. The names of  parties and the circumstances of the complaint shall be kept confidential except where disclosure is necessary for the purposes of investigation or taking disciplinary measures.



This policy sets out the principles and practices of Hockey Canada and BC Hockey with regard to abusive behaviour towards participants. Each member association, league, or team is responsible or adopting a similar policy and adapting it to their requirements as appropriate. 

NOTE: These definitions are provided as guidelines for determining conduct. Whether or not a behaviour fits within one of these definitions may ultimately be with the interpretation of the  Court.

a) Bullying

Bullying describes behaviours that are similar to harassment, but occur between children  under the age of 12 or behaviours between youth or between adults that are not addressed  under human rights laws. Bullying is intentionally hurting someone in order to insult,  humiliate, degrade, or exclude him or her.  Bullying can be broken down into four categories: 

Physical, verbal, relational (i.e., trying to cut off victims from social connection by convincing  peers to exclude or reject a certain person), and reactive (i.e., engaging in bullying as well as  provoking bullies to attack by taunting them).

b) Abuse 

Child abuse is any form of physical, emotional and/or sexual mistreatment or lack of care  which causes physical injury or emotional damage to a child. A common characteristic of all  forms of abuse against children and youth are an abuse of power or authority and/or breach of trust. 

Abuse is an issue of child protection. Protection refers to provincial, territorial or Aboriginal Band appointed child protective services. A child may be need of protection from harm if abuse or neglect is suspected. Information about one’s legal duty to report and circumstances under which reporting must occur according to child protection legislation is available at www.hockeycanada.ca.

c) Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is a chronic attack on a child or youth’s self-esteem; it is psychologically  destructive behaviour by a person in a position of power, authority, or trust. It can take the  form of name-calling, threatening, ridiculing, berating, intimidating, isolating, hazing, or  ignoring the child or youth’s needs.

d) Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is when a person in a position of power or trust purposefully injures or  threatens to injure a child or youth. This may take the form of slapping, hitting, shaking,  kicking, pulling hair or ears, throwing, shoving, grabbing, hazing, or excessive exercise as a form of punishment.

e) Neglect

A general definition of neglect is the chronic inattention to the basic necessities of life such  as clothing, shelter, nutritious diets, education, good hygiene, supervision, medical and dental  care, adequate rest, safe environment, moral guidance and discipline, exercise, and fresh  air. Neglect may apply in a hockey setting where there is a chronic inattention in the hockey  context (i.e., when a player is made to play with injuries).

f) Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is when a child or youth is used by a child or youth with more power or an adult  for his or her own sexual stimulation or gratification. There are two categories of sexual  abuse: contact and non-contact.

i. Contact

  • Touched or fondled in sexual areas
  • Forced to touch another person’s sexual areas
  • Kissed or held in a sexual manner
  • Forced to perform oral sex
  • Vaginal or anal intercourse
  • Vaginal or anal penetration with an object or finger Sexually-oriented hazing

ii. non-Contact

  • Obscene remarks on phone, computer, or in notes
  • Voyeurism
  • Shown pornography
  • Forced to watch sexual acts
  • Sexually intrusive questions and comments
  • Forced to pose for sexual photographs or videos
  • Forced to masturbate or forced to watch others masturbate

g) Duty to Report

Abuse and neglect are community problems requiring urgent attention. JDFMHA is  committed to help reduce and prevent the abuse and neglect of participants. JDFMHA realizes that persons working closely with children and youths have a special awareness  of abusive situations. Therefore, these people have a particular reporting responsibility to 

ensure the safety of Canada’s young, by knowing their provincial protection acts and following through as needed.

The Province of BC has mandatory reporting laws about the abuse and neglect of children and youth. Consequently it is the policy of BC Hockey that any BC Hockey personnel (part-time and full time staff, volunteer, participant, team official, on-ice official) or BC Hockey partner (parent, guardian) who has reasonable grounds to suspect that a participant is or may be or may have suffered from emotional, physical abuse and neglect and/or sexual abuse shall immediately report the suspicion and the information on which it is based to the local child protection agency and/or the local police detachment. In BC, a person is concerned to be a child until she/he has reached the age of 19. The local child protection agency and/or the local police detachment may request the local Association to deal with the matter reported.

Those involved with JDFMHA in supplying hockey opportunities for participants understand  and agree that abuse or neglect, as defined above, may be the subject of a criminal  investigation and/or disciplinary procedures. Failure to report an offence and thereby failure  to supply safety for participants may render the adult who keeps silent legally liable for  conviction under the provincial child protection acts.

By educating all personnel, JDFMHA is weaving a tighter safety web around our most  precious resources - our players.

h) Relationship to Harassment Policy

Some behaviour, which is defined as abuse when directed towards a child or youth, may  constitute harassment when directed towards a peer or when perpetrated between  adults. JDFMHA’s Harassment Policy covers such behaviour. Together, the two (2)  policies address the entire spectrum of abusive and harassing behaviour. h) Statement of Purpose

JDFMHA is part of the sporting community in our country that is committed to looking for  better ways to keep our youth safe. Protecting participants from all forms of abuse and  neglect, whether emotional, physical or sexual, is an important element of safety. JDFMHA  considers any form of abuse or neglect to be unacceptable and will do all it can to prevent  this intolerable social problem. To this end, BC Hockey will promote awareness of all forms of  abuse and neglect by supplying educational materials and programs for participants, parents,  Volunteers, and staff members. Through the use of these strategies, we will send a clear  message to all potential abusers and sexual predators that hockey participants are not easy  targets. JDFMHA is committed to the highest possible standards of care for its participants. 

i) Policy

 It is the policy of JDFMHA that there shall be no abuse or neglect, whether physical,  Emotional, or sexual of any participant in any of its programs. JDFMHA expects every  parent, volunteer, and staff member to take reasonable steps to safeguard the welfare of its  participants and to protect them from any kind of maltreatment.

j) Victim- Any person under the age of majority as decided by the Provincial Child Protection Acts, may be male, female, non-binary; a person of any age.

k) Offender- Any person who has power or authority over victim and/or breaches trust; may be male, female or non-binary. May be a peer or person with power or authority over adult victim.


External to the organization, referred to child welfare or police who may in some instances refer back to organization. Most often internal unless referred to police in cases of suspected physical or sexual assault or criminal harassment (stalking).

Follow-up Actions- 

Determined by Provincial Child Protection Acts and Criminal Code; civil suits may also occur Determined by organizations harassment policies, Criminal Code, labour tribunals, civil action and/or Provincial Human Rights Tribunals; may be used concurrently or alone. 


The victim is not to blame; offenders are responsible for their behaviour.

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